1. My boyfriend's mom made this cake, English isn't her first language, haha
2. China Star Restaurant's Chicken fried noodles in pepper sauce (Parramatta)
3. Max Brennar's waffles and chocolate sauce (Newtown)
4/5. Taste of Shanghai's Steamed bun with fried pork (Market City)
6. Lindt Cafe's Waffle with chocolate sauce and ice cream (Cockle Bay)
7. Home Thai's steamed wontons (Sydney)
Hi all! As I said in my last post, I've been going through everyone's blogs, and WOW I've seen some fantastic posts! I have also been following lots of new bloggers, through Google Connect. However, there seems to be something wrong with my Google Connect, I can't seem to actually follow, there might be an error. So I apologize to all my new blogging friends. If I said I've followed you but you can't see my little thumbnail, please let me know below and I'll fix it asap!
So, that aside, welcome to my monthly food diary post, my last food post proved popular, so now it is permanently here. All photos are taken by me, with my Nikon DSLR Camera, no editing. Hope you enjoy!!
I'm looking forward to reading all your blog posts!
xx Natalie